Friday, August 19, 2011

Clean Carpets Contribute to Good Health

Think about this question for a moment ... In what area of ​​your home is more bacteria ... your toilet seat or your carpet?

Believe it or not the answer - your carpet! Studies show the typical homeowners' carpet contains about 200,000 bacteria per square centimeter, about 4000 times as much as their toilet seat. Makes you keep your socks?

Where does this bacteria come from? Skin cells, food and drink particles, pollen, chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, exhaust fumes and other pollutants of all kinds all supply bacteria in your carpet. It comes from your shoes, your clothes, your skin, your hair, even the air.

Regularly scheduled carpet cleaning is essential. If you wait until your carpet looks dirty to get clean, you have been living and breathing in between these pollutants in your carpet. Carpet cleaning is not just removing the dirt and stains on the outside, but it means getting these germs and bacteria below the surface.

Unfortunately, many vacuum cleaners and the vast majority of the retail hardware store or rental carpet cleaning machines do not have suction, high temperatures, or water pressure to a large proportion of these bacteria to remove. The "one size fits all" cleaning solutions sold to the big house owner is not effective as those made specifically for the cleaning industry. A good carpet cleaner has a variety of cleaners to use in different situations. A good carpet cleaner is also training to good use these cleaners. Exaggeration or using the wrong type of cleaning solution into your carpet can cause problems. Not every carpet cleaner in your town can do when he is not the proper cleaning agents, methods, equipment, or does not have a sufficient amount of proper training.

It is therefore important to find a company that qualified, skilled, IICRC certified technicians for a deep steam clean at least once a year.

What can you do to clean your carpets in the meantime? Reducing the amount of bacteria in the carpet, remove shoes when worn outside your home. Use rugs can be machine washed in high-traffic areas. Please note, however, this will not completely do away with these pollutants, they still come from your skin, hair, socks and clothing. But it will lower them and help keep your home and air filter. Furthermore, vacuum at least once a week, more if you have children or pets play on your carpet.

An important but often overlooked key to keeping healthy is by keeping clean. A clean house and carpet cleaning to clean air and a healthier family.

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